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Because every life has a story!


With stories, pictures, videos and sounds to help you remember, or to tell the world exactly how special they are, all told by those who knew them best, you.

Headstones and memorials.

Ever looked at a headstone or memorial and wondered about the story behind the name? Do you have a loved-one who has passed and who’s story you would love to tell to anyone passing-by their grave or memorial?

Easy smartphone access

An Ememorybox dedicated to your loved-one, allows anyone with a modern smartphone access through a bespoke Ememorykey on their grave or memorial, letting anyone passing-by know what they did in life, how they affected those around them and how much they are loved and missed.

Keeping the memories safe

We understand that memories can be painful, by opening a box in the privacy of your own home or by scanning an Ememory key on a picture, these memories can be brought back to you in an instant, at a time and place that suits you and only when you’re good and ready.

If someone you know has suffered a bereavement and would appreciate the chance to remember their loved-one with pictures, stories and videos as and when they need that comfort, Ememorybox holds the answer.

Helping to Cope with Loss

Ememorybox is an innovative and bespoke way to keep those memories safe and accessible at a time and place of your choosing.

​Our cuddly toys with a magical code in their heart, reassure a child that the memories of someone they love and miss are kept safely inside, so they can sleep soundly with the certainty that those memories will still be there in the morning.​

The memories are stored in a page we call an Ememorybox and that Ememorybox is designed by us to your preferences. All you need to do is choose a template and colours, send us the pictures, videos and sounds you would like to a Drop Box we provide and we will do the rest.

​We have a range of toys so you can choose the appropriate one for your child.

​You can see an example of an Ememorybox by clicking here.



Register with us and purchase your page then we will send you details on how to easily send in your memories and we’ll give you a choice of templates for your Ememorybox.


Purchase the item or items (Ememorykeys) you would like your Ememorybox connected to.


We will personalise your Ememorykeys and design your page with all your memories in place so by the time you recieve them everything will be ready to go.

Frequently asked questions

Q. My loved-one has their own social media pages with loads of information on their lives, why do I need this?

A. Nobody writes on their own Facebook page about how wonderful they are, how people feel about them or the influence they had on people’s lives. We can include links to their social media but an Ememorybox is about telling their life story from the perspective of those who loved them.

Q. Does this only apply to headstones as my loved one was cremated and their ashes scattered?

A. We can provide a number of different Ememorykeys, from brass or stainless-steel plaques for headstones to picture frames, trinket boxes, teddys or cuddly elephants, so if you want to tell your loved-ones story on their headstone or you just want to remember in the comfort of your home when the time is right for you, we can accommodate.